Fifty Years since the Publication of the Genesis Flood


Though I did not become familiar with The Genesis Flood until the early 1970s when Dr. John Whitcomb lectured at Temple Baptist Theological Seminary (the above picture of Dr. Whitcomb, on the left, and Dr. Morris is taken from Acts & Facts), it is hard to believe that it has been almost forty years since his lecture and fifty years since the original publication of this profound book. I am thankful for the effect that this book has had upon me as well as many others. Further, I consider it a privilege to consider Dr. Whitcomb not only as a former mentor but also as a friend. As a result, I attempt to keep track of his ministry and publications by him and about him.

As it turns out, last night I read an intriguing article about Dr. Whitcomb and Dr. Henry Morris, co-authors of The Genesis Flood. This article appears in the latest issue of Acts & Facts, published by the Institute for Creation Research. The article, “The Creation Movement’s Firm Foundation,” is written by Dr. John Morris, son of Dr. Henry Morris. In this article Dr. Morris, a teen ager in 1961, recounts some of the details surrounding the publication of this book as well as the impact that the book had on the lives of Drs. Whitcomb and Morris and the evangelical world. In the words of Dr. John Morris, “The 50th anniversary of the publication of The Genesis Flood, co-authored by Dr. John Whitcomb and my father, Dr. Henry Morris, brings back poignant memories. A teenager when it was being written, I can testify to the concerted effort that went into it, from focused study to diligent prayer. God blessed that effort and answered those prayers with lasting fruit. Almost every day???s mail and every public meeting bring unsolicited testimonies from individuals who read the book. Many say the information within removed roadblocks in their path to salvation. God used this rather technical book on science and theology in numerous ways, not just to catalyze the creation movement, but to launch a new era of concern for biblical inerrancy and authority.” To continue reading, go here.

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  1. Paul says

    In the picture, isn't that Dr Whitcomb on the left and Dr Morris on the right?

    Unfortunately, I've never had the privilege of hearing either man speak. But I've read a number of their books, including The Genesis Flood, with great profit.

  2. Bob_McCabe says

    Thanks for catching my error. I have corrected this post. While I have heard Dr. Whitcomb speak on many occasions, I have never heard Dr. Morris speak. Like you, I have profited greatly by The Genesis Flood as well as profiting from many other articles and books they have written.

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